Welcome to the New DUUB!

Launched in 2000, the Dictionary of Unitarian & Universalist Biography, affectionately known as “The DUUB,” is a public web resource that contains hundreds of biographies of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (collectively referred to as U/U) leaders and individuals. Articles have been contributed by a number of historians and researchers, many recognized experts on their subjects. The theme in many of these biographies is the relationship between personal religious conviction and achievement in the larger world.
I am honored to serve as the new editor of the DUUB and to launch this updated website with the hope of making U/U history more accessible to a wider audience. Please note that we are continuing to migrate existing articles from the previous DUUB site to this new site. New information will be added weekly over the coming months. We are also soliciting new content as we strive for broader representation among our subjects and contributors, especially as it relates to occupation, geographic location, race, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Look around and check out our site! If you have questions, want to recommend inclusion of a particular biography, or want to submit an article yourself, please Contact Us.
Connie Simon, Editor